You need a reliable headset, there’s no doubt about it. You and every serious gamer know it… but is the Logitech G430 exactly what you are looking for? There are so many choices in the market, so, why should you settle down with this one?
This article will allow you to see why it might be a good pick, therefore, I invite you to stay here to read this review which will make everything clear for you!
Let’s start with a quick recap on the pros and cons of this headset.
As you can see it has many strong points in its favor and just a few downfalls. Yet, let’s see a proper review, so you can know more about this headset in a more detailed way.
A Complete Review: Everything You Need to Know
The Design
While it is true that it is an affordable headset, Logitech has done a pretty good job at making it look very attractive. The combination of black and blue make an interesting contrast, which makes it look pretty great.
In general terms, it is very sturdy and it also adjusts very well to your head without pressing it too tight. And yes, they are pretty comfortable as well.
Let’s face it: you are likely to spend several hours in a single gaming session. Taking that into account, it is obvious that you need something that will make your ears feel comfortable, and fortunately, the Logitech G430 addresses this aspect pretty well.
The material they are made with breathes very well, while the fabric of the pads is of excellent quality. It reduces the heat and above all, it prevents too much humidity, which is a problem that many headphones tend to have.
On top of that everything is washable, meaning you can remove the protective cloth from the pads and have your pads as new with some soap and water. And it is also important to add that the ear cups are foldable.
It is also very light-weight, which means it won’t make your head feel heavy. Of course, this is a feature that makes it even more advisable for gamers like you who like to spend many hours playing in one sitting.
And there’s a little feature I really like: it comes with a Velcro strip, which allows you to organize the table so it doesn’t drive you mad. Moreover, the cable is fairly large, so it provides you plenty of range. But it doesn’t stop there because the cable comes with controls that allow you to adjust the volume and mic very conveniently.
Therefore, it terms of design and comfort, it is a pretty good product despite its super low price. It looks pretty well, it is comfortable and sturdy.
Now it’s time to explore other more technical and important facts, so come with me as we dive into its overall performance and specifications.
The Sound & Features
I believe it’d be a mistake to imagine this headset could compete against other superior and more-expensive options like the Astro A50, it is pointless. Therefore, let’s evaluate it based on its very affordable price.
The X and Dolby 7.1 surround sound provide an immersive experience, which makes it perfect for a wide myriad of games, including listening to music. The unique downfall is that the max level of the volume is lower than expected. Therefore, if you are looking for a headset with tons of volume, then it may not be right for you. But don’t worry, because it is still unlikely that you will play with the G430 at max volume.
Very few headsets of this price range have 7.1 surrounds sound, and even fewer does it well. The G430 is likely the very best budget surround sound headset on the market.
There’s a feature that might make you pretty happy: it comes with a gaming software that allows you to customize the sound. It brings you plenty of opportunities to tailor it to your favorite games, according to what you need. For example, if you are fond of FPS games, then thanks to this software you can adapt it. The same goes if you are a fan of MOBA games.
Although the software is great, it could provide more customization options, but for a hobbyist or beginner, it will be more than enough. I just mention this because there are professional and advanced gamers who may need more options in order to hit the sweet spot in terms of audio.
It could be better in terms of volume, but you cannot really complaint taking into account how cheap it is. The sound is clear and crisp, which is in essence pretty much what you need for a good experience while gaming. You won’t find better audio quality if any other budget option on the market.
The Microphone
And now it’s time to talk about the microphone. In summary: it is pretty good once you calibrate it. It is unidirectional, so it means it will only catch the sound that comes from one single direction. It works pretty well, as it allows you to communicate clearly and doesn’t catch much background noise.
Moreover, it is a good distance from your mouth, so it won’t make you feel uncomfortable. The unique thing I’d criticize is the fact that it is not very flexible, but again, it is still a pretty good deal for the price.
And finally, you can easily mute it with the cable controls. It’s easy and fast, exactly what you need.
The mic. does not feel very qualitative, which is a minor downfall with the G430. However, it is only something you notice when adjusting it and it’s not like it will break easily. So not a real issue, but does take some quality feeling away from the product. Although, if mic quality is important to you, then you should look into a more expensive headset or a separate PC microphone.
Verdict and Final Words
Is it a headset I’d recommend you to buy? Of course, providing your budget is quite low or you don’t wish to spend much on a gaming headset. It offers pretty much everything you need, again, providing your funds are quite tight and you are not looking for more professional features.
It is cheap, it works quite well despite its low price and is very comfortable. What else could you ask for? It’s a great entry-level gaming headset, and yes, I’d recommend it to you without doubts!